Submission #306413

Source Code Expand

#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")
using namespace std;
typedef long long lld;//%lld

#define LL(x) ((x)<<1)
#define RR(x) ((x)<<1|1)

const int MAX = 5100*2;
const int INF = 1000000000;
const int MOD = 1000000;
struct EDGE
	int cap, cost, v, next;
int head[MAX], E, q[MOD];
bool used[MAX];
int pre[MAX], cur[MAX], dis[MAX];
void add_edge(int s, int t, int cap, int cost)
	edge[E].cap = cap;
	edge[E].cost = cost;
	edge[E].next = head[s];
	edge[E].v = t;
	head[s] = E++;
int min(int a, int b){ return (a == -1 || b<a) ? b : a; }
int SPFA(int s, int t, int n)
	int f = -1, r = 0;
	int i, v;
	q[r] = s;
	for (i = 0; i<n; i++)
	if (i == s)
		dis[i] = 0;
	else dis[i] = INF;
	pre[s] = s;
	cur[s] = -1;
	memset(used, false, sizeof(bool)*n);
	used[s] = true;
	while (f != r)
		if (f >= MOD)f -= MOD;
		s = q[f];
		used[s] = false;
		for (i = head[s]; i != -1; i = edge[i].next)
			v = edge[i].v;
			if (edge[i].cap>0 && dis[s] + edge[i].cost<dis[v])
				dis[v] = dis[s] + edge[i].cost;
				pre[v] = s;
				cur[v] = i;
				if (!used[v])
					used[v] = true;
					if (r >= MOD)r -= MOD;
					q[r] = v;
	return dis[t];
int MinCost(int s, int t, int n)
	int ans = 0;
	int u, v, cap;
	int cost;
	while (1)
		cost = SPFA(s, t, n);
		if (cost == INF)break;
		u = v = t;
		cap = -1;
		for (u = pre[u]; v != s; v = u, u = pre[u])
			cap = min(cap, edge[cur[v]].cap);
		ans += cost*cap;
		u = v = t;
		for (u = pre[u]; v != s; v = u, u = pre[u])
			edge[cur[v]].cap -= cap;
			edge[cur[v] ^ 1].cap += cap;
	return ans;
struct Point
	int x, y;
	Point(int x,int y):x(x),y(y){}
const int MM=55;
char sm[55][55];
int dd[55][55], vv[55][55];
const int dir[4][2] = { { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 } };
bool inside(int x, int n){ return x >= 0 && x < n; }
bool chos[55][55];
int BFS(Point S,Point T,int n,int m)
	memset(vv, 0, sizeof(vv));
	memset(dd, -1, sizeof(dd));
	dd[S.x][S.y] = 0;
	vv[S.x][S.y] = true;
	int i, j, size;
	while (!qq.empty())qq.pop();
		size = qq.size();
			int x = qq.front().x;
			int y = qq.front().y;
			for (i=0;i<4;i++)
				int tx = x + dir[i][0];
				int ty = y + dir[i][1];
					if (sm[tx][ty] == '#')continue;
					//if (tx == T.x&&ty == T.y)return dd[x][y] + 1;
						vv[tx][ty] = true;
						qq.push(Point(tx, ty));
						dd[tx][ty] = dd[x][y] + 1;

	return dd[T.x][T.y];
void round(int x,int y,int n,int m)
	int i, tx, ty;
	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
		tx = x + dir[i][0];
		ty = y + dir[i][1];
		if (!inside(tx, n) || !inside(ty, m))continue;
		if (sm[tx][ty] == '#')continue;
		int N = n*m;
		add_edge(x*m + y + 1 + N, tx*m + ty + 1, 1, 1);
		add_edge(tx*m + ty + 1,x * m + y + 1 + N, 0, -1);
void Search(int x,int y,int n,int m,char c)
	int N = n*m;
	int p = x*m + y + 1 + N;
	int ps = S.x*m + S.y + 1;
	int pa = A.x*m + A.y + 1;
	int pb = B.x*m + B.y + 1;
			sm[(p - 1) / m][(p - 1) % m] = c;
		int i,j;
	//printf("p=%d ", p);		getchar();
		for (i=head[p];i!=-1;i=edge[i].next)

				j = edge[i].v;
				//printf("j=%d\n", j);
					p = edge[i].v;
				else if (p <= N)
					if (p == j)continue;
					p = j;
		//printf("p=%d ", p);		getchar();
int main()
	int n,m;
	int i, j;
		memset(chos, 0, sizeof(chos));
		for (i=0;i<n;i++)
			scanf("%s", sm[i]);
			for (j=0;j<m;j++)
					A.x = i;
					A.y = j;
				else if(sm[i][j]=='B')
					B.x = i;
					B.y = j;
				else if (sm[i][j]=='S')
					S.x = i;
					S.y = j;
		int da = BFS(S,A,n,m);
		int db = BFS(S, B, n, m);
		//printf("da=%d db=%d\n", da, db);
		int s = 0;
		int t = n*m * 2 + 1;
		E = 0;
		memset(head, -1, sizeof(int)*(t + 1));
		add_edge(s, S.x*m + S.y+1, 2, 0);
		add_edge(1+S.x*m + S.y, s, 0, 0);
		int N = n*m;
		for (i=0;i<n;i++)
			for (j=0;j<m;j++)
						add_edge(i*m + j + 1, i*m + j + N + 1, 2, 0);
						add_edge(i*m + j + N + 1, i*m + j + 1, 0, 0);
						add_edge(i*m + j+1, i*m + j+N+1, 1, 0);
						add_edge(i*m + j+N+1, i*m + j+1, 0, 0);
		add_edge(t, A.x*m + A.y + 1 + N, 0, 0);
		add_edge(B.x*m + B.y + 1 + N, t, 1, 0);
		add_edge(t, B.x*m + B.y + 1 + N, 0, 0);
		int ans = MinCost(s, t, t + 1);
		//printf("ans=%d\n", ans);
		bool flag = true;
		for (i=head[s];i!=-1;i=edge[i].next)
				flag = false;
		Search(A.x, A.y, n, m,'a');
		/*j = 2500;
		for (i=head[j];i!=-1;i=edge[i].next)
			printf("v=%d cap=%d cost=%d\n", edge[i].v, edge[i].cap, edge[i].cost);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)puts(sm[i]);
	return 0;

50 50

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - Maze
User asian-2014-636
Language C++11 (GCC 4.8.1)
Score 100
Code Size 8550 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 31 ms
Memory 1420 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
./Main.cpp:214:22: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
    scanf("%s", sm[i]);

Judge Result

Set Name all
Score / Max Score 100 / 100
AC × 41
Set Name Test Cases
all manual_j1.txt, manual_j10.txt, manual_j11.txt, manual_j12.txt, manual_j13.txt, manual_j14.txt, manual_j15.txt, manual_j2.txt, manual_j3.txt, manual_j4.txt, manual_j5.txt, manual_j6.txt, manual_j7.txt, manual_j8.txt, manual_j9.txt, manual_k1.txt, manual_k2.txt, random_01.txt, random_02.txt, random_03.txt, random_04.txt, random_05.txt, random_06.txt, random_max_01.txt, random_max_02.txt, random_max_03.txt, random_max_04.txt, random_max_05.txt, random_max_06.txt, random_max_07.txt, random_max_08.txt, random_max_09.txt, random_max_10.txt, sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt, sample_04.txt, white_01.txt, white_02.txt, white_03.txt, white_04.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
manual_j1.txt AC 24 ms 928 KB
manual_j10.txt AC 22 ms 924 KB
manual_j11.txt AC 25 ms 1308 KB
manual_j12.txt AC 23 ms 792 KB
manual_j13.txt AC 24 ms 796 KB
manual_j14.txt AC 24 ms 928 KB
manual_j15.txt AC 24 ms 844 KB
manual_j2.txt AC 23 ms 1180 KB
manual_j3.txt AC 23 ms 924 KB
manual_j4.txt AC 24 ms 924 KB
manual_j5.txt AC 22 ms 932 KB
manual_j6.txt AC 26 ms 804 KB
manual_j7.txt AC 26 ms 928 KB
manual_j8.txt AC 24 ms 804 KB
manual_j9.txt AC 23 ms 928 KB
manual_k1.txt AC 27 ms 1312 KB
manual_k2.txt AC 25 ms 1180 KB
random_01.txt AC 25 ms 1308 KB
random_02.txt AC 25 ms 1180 KB
random_03.txt AC 26 ms 1312 KB
random_04.txt AC 25 ms 1188 KB
random_05.txt AC 24 ms 1060 KB
random_06.txt AC 25 ms 1188 KB
random_max_01.txt AC 24 ms 1316 KB
random_max_02.txt AC 26 ms 1184 KB
random_max_03.txt AC 26 ms 1308 KB
random_max_04.txt AC 25 ms 1308 KB
random_max_05.txt AC 25 ms 1184 KB
random_max_06.txt AC 27 ms 1184 KB
random_max_07.txt AC 26 ms 1188 KB
random_max_08.txt AC 27 ms 1056 KB
random_max_09.txt AC 27 ms 1184 KB
random_max_10.txt AC 31 ms 1064 KB
sample_01.txt AC 23 ms 932 KB
sample_02.txt AC 26 ms 796 KB
sample_03.txt AC 26 ms 808 KB
sample_04.txt AC 26 ms 808 KB
white_01.txt AC 28 ms 1316 KB
white_02.txt AC 30 ms 1308 KB
white_03.txt AC 28 ms 1312 KB
white_04.txt AC 26 ms 1420 KB