Submission #306475

Source Code Expand

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

const int dy[5] = {0,1,0,-1,0};
const int dx[5] = {1,0,-1,0,0};

int main() {
  int H, W; scanf("%d%d", &H, &W);
  static char maze[60][60];
  for(int y = 0; y < H; ++y) {
    maze[y][0] = '#';
    scanf(" %s", maze[y+1]+1);
    maze[y][W+1] = '#';
  fill(maze[0],maze[0]+(W+2), '#');
  fill(maze[H+1],maze[H+1]+(W+2), '#');
  pair<int,int> start, goalA, goalB;
  for(int y = 0; y < H+2; ++y) {
    for(int x = 0; x < W+2; ++x) {
      if(maze[y][x]=='S') start=make_pair(y,x);
      if(maze[y][x]=='A') goalA=make_pair(y,x);
      if(maze[y][x]=='B') goalB=make_pair(y,x);
  static int levels[60][60];
  for(int y = 0; y < H+2; ++y) fill(levels[y],levels[y]+(W+2),-1);
  static pair<int,int> q[60*60];
  int qs = 0, qe = 0;
  levels[start.first][start.second] = 0;
  q[qe++] = start;
  while(qs<qe) {
    pair<int,int> p = q[qs++];
    int l = levels[p.first][p.second];
    for(int dir = 0; dir < 4; ++dir) {
      int y = p.first+dy[dir];
      int x = p.second+dx[dir];
      if(maze[y][x] != '#' && levels[y][x]==-1) {
        levels[y][x] = l+1;
        q[qe++] = make_pair(y,x);

  static bool b2vis[60][60][60][60];
  static char parent[60][60][60][60];
  queue<pair<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int>>> b2q;
  b2vis[start.first][start.second][start.first][start.second] = true;
  while(!b2q.empty()) {
    pair<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int>> p = b2q.front();
    int l = max(levels[p.first.first][p.first.second],
    // fprintf(stderr, "(%d, %d), (%d, %d), level=%d\n",
    //     p.first.first,
    //     p.first.second,
    //     p.second.first,
    //     p.second.second, l);
    bool isGoalA = p.first == goalA;
    bool isGoalB = p.second == goalB;
    int dirAmin = isGoalA ? 4 : 0;
    int dirAmax = isGoalA ? 5 : 4;
    int dirBmin = isGoalB ? 4 : 0;
    int dirBmax = isGoalB ? 5 : 4;
    for(int dirA = dirAmin; dirA < dirAmax; ++dirA) {
      for(int dirB = dirBmin; dirB < dirBmax; ++dirB) {
        int y1 = p.first.first+dy[dirA];
        int x1 = p.first.second+dx[dirA];
        int y2 = p.second.first+dy[dirB];
        int x2 = p.second.second+dx[dirB];
        if(!isGoalA && levels[y1][x1] != l+1) continue;
        if(!isGoalB && levels[y2][x2] != l+1) continue;
        // if(x1==x2 && y1==y2)
        //   fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d) = (%d,%d)\n", x1, y1, x2, y2);
        if(y1==y2 && x1==x2) continue;
        if(b2vis[y1][x1][y2][x2]) continue;
        // if(y1==7&&x1==5&&y2==8&&x2==4) {
        //   fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d),(%d,%d)->, dirA=%d, dirB=%d\n",
        //       p.first.first,p.first.second,
        //       p.second.first,p.second.second,dirA,dirB);
        // }
        b2vis[y1][x1][y2][x2] = true;
        parent[y1][x1][y2][x2] = (dirA<<3)|dirB;
  // printf("%s\n", b2vis[goalA.first][goalA.second][goalB.first][goalB.second] ?
  //     "YES" : "NO");
  if(b2vis[goalA.first][goalA.second][goalB.first][goalB.second]) {
    pair<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int>> c(goalA,goalB);
    while(c.first != start) {
      // fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d), (%d,%d)\n",
      //     c.first.first, c.first.second,
      //     c.second.first, c.second.second);
      // if(!b2vis[c.first.first][c.first.second][c.second.first][c.second.second]) {
      //   fprintf(stderr, "something is weird\n");
      //   break;
      // }
      if(c.first != goalA) maze[c.first.first][c.first.second] = 'a';
      if(c.second != goalB) maze[c.second.first][c.second.second] = 'b';
      int parlink = parent[c.first.first][c.first.second]
      int dirA = parlink>>3;
      int dirB = parlink&7;
      c = make_pair(
    for(int y = 1; y < H+1; ++y) {
      for(int x = 1; x < W+1; ++x) {
        printf("%c", maze[y][x]);
  } else {
  return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - Maze
User qnighy
Language C++11 (GCC 4.8.1)
Score 100
Code Size 4409 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 85 ms
Memory 22500 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
./Main.cpp:11:34: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   int H, W; scanf("%d%d", &H, &W);
./Main.cpp:15:30: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
     scanf(" %s", maze[y+1]+1);

Judge Result

Set Name all
Score / Max Score 100 / 100
AC × 41
Set Name Test Cases
all manual_j1.txt, manual_j10.txt, manual_j11.txt, manual_j12.txt, manual_j13.txt, manual_j14.txt, manual_j15.txt, manual_j2.txt, manual_j3.txt, manual_j4.txt, manual_j5.txt, manual_j6.txt, manual_j7.txt, manual_j8.txt, manual_j9.txt, manual_k1.txt, manual_k2.txt, random_01.txt, random_02.txt, random_03.txt, random_04.txt, random_05.txt, random_06.txt, random_max_01.txt, random_max_02.txt, random_max_03.txt, random_max_04.txt, random_max_05.txt, random_max_06.txt, random_max_07.txt, random_max_08.txt, random_max_09.txt, random_max_10.txt, sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt, sample_04.txt, white_01.txt, white_02.txt, white_03.txt, white_04.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
manual_j1.txt AC 44 ms 13484 KB
manual_j10.txt AC 44 ms 13604 KB
manual_j11.txt AC 67 ms 22432 KB
manual_j12.txt AC 46 ms 13608 KB
manual_j13.txt AC 41 ms 13608 KB
manual_j14.txt AC 46 ms 13480 KB
manual_j15.txt AC 43 ms 14116 KB
manual_j2.txt AC 45 ms 13476 KB
manual_j3.txt AC 40 ms 13608 KB
manual_j4.txt AC 44 ms 13732 KB
manual_j5.txt AC 42 ms 13740 KB
manual_j6.txt AC 43 ms 13736 KB
manual_j7.txt AC 43 ms 13472 KB
manual_j8.txt AC 45 ms 13432 KB
manual_j9.txt AC 44 ms 13604 KB
manual_k1.txt AC 64 ms 21800 KB
manual_k2.txt AC 70 ms 21924 KB
random_01.txt AC 46 ms 13532 KB
random_02.txt AC 55 ms 20388 KB
random_03.txt AC 51 ms 16940 KB
random_04.txt AC 49 ms 17960 KB
random_05.txt AC 51 ms 17704 KB
random_06.txt AC 57 ms 17776 KB
random_max_01.txt AC 73 ms 22432 KB
random_max_02.txt AC 75 ms 22308 KB
random_max_03.txt AC 40 ms 13476 KB
random_max_04.txt AC 70 ms 21924 KB
random_max_05.txt AC 69 ms 21672 KB
random_max_06.txt AC 65 ms 21412 KB
random_max_07.txt AC 64 ms 21028 KB
random_max_08.txt AC 58 ms 20264 KB
random_max_09.txt AC 52 ms 17776 KB
random_max_10.txt AC 52 ms 19112 KB
sample_01.txt AC 41 ms 13468 KB
sample_02.txt AC 44 ms 13420 KB
sample_03.txt AC 40 ms 13472 KB
sample_04.txt AC 46 ms 13608 KB
white_01.txt AC 85 ms 22500 KB
white_02.txt AC 79 ms 22440 KB
white_03.txt AC 68 ms 22300 KB
white_04.txt AC 72 ms 22384 KB